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As a disciple of Christ, you were created for fellowship with God. You will learn how to develop an intimate and effective prayer life based upon the Word of God. No matter where you are in your walk with God, this class will help you to develop a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him. Improving individual prayer and practicing the principles of prayer daily are foundational in building a strong prayer life. 


This is a virtual class using the Zoom platform.  In order to fully participate in class, you will need to have a smart-phone, a tablet, or a computer, a stable internet connection and a quiet space to participate.

Classes begin Monday,

February 5, 2024

Course cost $27


Mondays at 7PM EST

14 Weeks

The nine-fold fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23 is a beautiful picture of Jesus, who was filled with the Spirit of God.  It is Christ who dwells within us through the Spirit.  The more we are filled with God’s Spirit, the more the Spirit ripens His fruit within us, and the more Christlike we become from the inside out.  This Christian character development does not focus on our performance, but on the kind of person we are.  Fruit takes time to develop and so does Christian character (a lifetime). This course is an in depth survey of the biblical background of what Paul meant by the Fruit of the Spirit. It will propel your understanding of the Fruit of the Spirit to a heightened level.  




This is a virtual class using the Zoom platform.  In order to fully participate in class, you will need to have a smart-phone, a tablet, or a computer, a stable internet connection and a quiet space to participate.



Classes begin Thursday, February 8, 2024

Course cost $26



​Mondays at 7PM EST

11 Weeks

In today’s world, knowing how to speak in a virtual environment is a necessity.  This workshop is designed to develop presentation and leadership skills in individuals interested in speaking with confidence and power.  Participants will learn the fundamentals of public speaking in a relaxed, enjoyable atmosphere through practice and by study of the materials provided.  Come and be challenged to speak with confidence and poise.






This is a virtual class using the Zoom platform. In order to fully participate in class, you will need to have a smart-phone, a tablet, or a computer, a stable internet connection and a quiet space to participate.




Classes begin Monday,

February 5, 2024


Course cost $20



Mondays at 7PM EST

7 Weeks

Armor of God
(for women only)

As a believer in Jesus, you are in an invisible war every day. It's unseen and unheard, but it affects your life and everything that matters to you: your heart, mind, marriage, children, relationships, resilience, dreams, and destiny. Jesus has not left you unarmed, and the enemy always fails when he meets a woman properly dressed. The Armor of God is more than merely a biblical description of the believer's inventory, it is an action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory.



This is a virtual class using the Zoom platform. In order to fully participate in class, you will need to have a smart-phone, a tablet, or a computer, a stable internet connection and a quiet space to participate.





Classes begin Tuesday,

February 6, 2024

Course cost $25


​Tuesdays at 7PM EST

8 Weeks

Determining God’s Will
For Your Life 

You will come to know God intimately, to recognize His voice, and to understand His will for your life.  God is inviting you to experience Him in an intimate love relationship through which He reveals to you His will, His ways, and His work.  When you recognize where God is working, you can join Him in what He is doing, and then you will experience God doing through you what only He can do.






This is a virtual class using the Zoom platform.  In order to fully participate in class, you will need to have a smart-phone, a tablet, or a computer, a stable internet connection and a quiet space to participate.





Classes begin Tuesday,

February 6, 2024


Course cost $26


​Tuesdays at 7PM EST

13 Weeks

The Story (God’s Overall Plan) - TUE

The Story (God’s Overall Plan) - WED

Imagine you were listening to Jesus’ conversation with two of His disciples on the road to Emmaus just after His resurrection.  What did he say to the disciples? Why is it key for all Christians to listen to that conversation? In this study, you are going to walk along with Jesus.  You will enter into that same conversation.  You will know what Jesus told those disciples that opened their entire understanding of the Scriptures, and you will discover the key to understanding the Scriptures, as explained by Jesus.  What will this do for you? You will increase your biblical knowledge, discover your purpose, and how your life fits into God’s overall plan.    



This is a virtual class using the Zoom platform. In order to fully participate in class, you will need to have a smart-phone, a tablet, or a computer, a stable internet connection and a quiet space to participate.

Classes begin Tuesday,

February 6, 2024

Course cost $23


Tuesdays at 7PM EST

13 Weeks


Imagine you were listening to Jesus’ conversation with two of His disciples on the road to Emmaus just after His resurrection.  What did he say to the disciples? Why is it key for all Christians to listen to that conversation? In this study, you are going to walk along with Jesus.  You will enter into that same conversation.  You will know what Jesus told those disciples that opened their entire understanding of the Scriptures, and you will discover the key to understanding the Scriptures, as explained by Jesus.  What will this do for you? You will increase your biblical knowledge, discover your purpose, and how your life fits into God’s overall plan.    





This is a virtual class using the Zoom platform. In order to fully participate in class, you will need to have a smart-phone, a tablet, or a computer, a stable internet connection and a quiet space to participate.





Classes begin Thursday, February 8, 2024

Course cost $23


Thursdays at 7PM EST

13 Weeks

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